Jesus Gets Mad-Sunday Wisdom

In today’s gospel we experience the sincere frustration and anger Jesus portrays as he drives out the money changers from the temple.  Yes, Jesus gets mad.  Being anger is an emotion and it is never wrong to have emotions, but what we do with our emotions determines who we are.

Jesus shows us it is okay to get mad, but remember He did not hurt anyone with his anger. He just overturned a few tables to get everyone’s attention.  So why was Jesus so mad?  After all selling oxen, sheep and doves had been a traditional part of history, so what made this day so different.

Jesus was angry over the disrespect many of the merchants were showing in the temple area. He was not angry at the merchants for selling animals, He was angry at the injustice of some of those merchants exploited the poor by selling animals for a far higher price in the Temple than would be made outside. They were profiting from the good intentions of others.

I am sure we have all experienced a time when money creeps in to a situation who it tends to take over.  I am not saying that money is bad, it is certainly needed and we can use our money to make the world a better place, feed the poor, house the homeless etc.  However, when money becomes the focus, it takes over. 

Jesus is gently reminding us to keep our focus on him and to keep our priorities in check. This Lent, let us continue to put Jesus first in our lives.  Spend a few quite moments each day this week thanking God for the many blessings in your lives.  It might just change your life.

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