Real Love-Sunday Wisdom

In our world today success seems to be the primary goal. We set goal for ourselves and when we fail to attain them, wonder what is wrong with us. And yet we hear in today’s readings the only real goal is love. The questions we should be asking ourselves is how well do we love and are we loved by others?

After all loving and being loved is the only accomplishment we can take with us to our life in heaven. Sure working and being successful at our job is good, but love is the greater good.  Good news we can do both!.

The Presence of God’s eternal love is something Mother Teresa knew well. Her example of ordinary and extraordinary acts of kindness changed the world. How can we be that light for others?  How can our ordinary acts of kindness change the lives of those we will meet today?

To live in real love is to think of others first. It is to live in the present, not dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. Living in real love is not easy, but it is rewarding because love without sacrificing is empty love .However, in order to live in real love we have to love by God’s standard and not our own and that can be hard.  

Jesus is our supreme example of how to continue to move forward in love despite opposition and rejection. Sure sometimes we fail to recognize Jesus in our lives, but He is there, always with us, always protecting us. Our lives are for but a moment, so take some time in prayer today and allow Jesus to rekindle your fire of love for others.

Thanks for stopping by!
Until next time, be blessed, Renae

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