The Gift of Christ-Sunday Wisdom

Wow time sure does seem to be flying by. It seems as though it was just Christmas and now we are preparing for Easter. Our Heavenly Father gave us the gift of peace through the birth of His beloved Son and this week we receive the gift of His wisdom and glory in the Transfiguration. “This is my beloved Son, listen to Him.”

That really is the key, to be still and listen. It is always a challenge to “be perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect” (Matthew 5:48), but if we turn to prayer and really listen, it gets easier. The key to loving others, especially those who seem to always try our patience is to try to see them as Jesus does. This takes prayer, practice and grace.

Jesus wandered throughout many villages teaching and preaching, filling those who would listen with His wisdom. But do we listen or do we just go about our day where nothing changes. At Easter God will give us Jesus again, not as a gift of peace, but as a gift of forgiveness and redemption.

He, Jesus, came to die for everyone and His Mercy is for all who will take time to listen and be moved with compassion for others. It may not seem like much, but a little kindness and compassion really can change the world. So don’t give in to fear and doubt, put your trust in the one who sacrificed His life for you and trust in His everlasting grace and mercy.

“Jesus I need your grace. Help me to seek you with all of my heart and to be caring, kind and compassionate to others.”

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