You are the light of the World-Sunday Wisdom

Being in the dark can be scary, right? The last time the lights went out in a storm, I bet the first thing you reached for was a candle. I think in today’s gospel Jesus wants us to be a candle in the dark. That single source of light that can transform a dark room. 

In today’s first reading from Isaiah, God gives us a clue on how to be the light in the dark. We can glorify Him by serving others.  We do this through the corporal works of mercy; feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless, clothing the naked and giving to the poor.  This is when people see and experience God’s love. This is how we allow God’s grace to shine before others.

When we put away our pride and humble ourselves to help others, everyone wins and our unselfish act becomes the light in a dark world. God not only wants us to give Him the glory, but he wants all of us to share in that glory.  Trust me He notices and people will also notice your kindness. Then slowly your generosity will overcome the darkness.

So today, reflect on those people in your life to whom God is calling you to shine His light. Ask the Lord to reveal to you who is in need of an act of charity, mercy, compassion or forgiveness.  Ask Him for the grace to be the light in their darkness. Ponder those times in your life when God’s light was revealed to you, perhaps by a friend, loved one or even a stranger. I know when someone lifts me up I am filled with gratitude. And gratitude always leads to kindness.

So today, be there for those who dwell in darkness.  Put on the light of Christ and be the light of the world glorifying Christ by your light.

Thanks for stopping by!
Until next time, be blessed, Renae

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