Come Holy Spirit, Come-Sunday Wisdom

Today, on Pentecost Sunday, isn’t it comforting to know that as children of God we have the Holy Spirit as our advocate. When we allow the Spirit to move freely in our lives things typically go more smoothly.  Why?  Well for one thing the Holy Spirit dwells within the hearts of all faithful and is constantly working to defend us against evil.  When we are in doubt or unsure of which path to take the Holy Spirit is there to guide us and to be our constant advocate.

I don’t know about you, but for me that is comforting.  Comforter is another name for the Holy Spirit. It is reassuring to know the Holy Spirit is always ready to comfort us in times of sorrow.  But for me, one of the greatest consolations the Holy Spirit offers, is truth. Come Holy Spirit show us the truth of who we are and who we are called to be. The Holy Spirit reminds us we are all called to holiness and that God not only loves us for who we are but, He wants to spend all of eternity with us.  Now that is comforting!

“O Holy Spirit, Soul of my soul, I adore you. Enlighten me, guide me, strengthen me, console me. Tell me what I ought to do, and command me to do it. I promise to submit myself to all that You ask of me, and to accept all that You permit to happen to me. Only let me know Your will. Amen

Thanks for stopping by!
Until next time, be blessed, Renae

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