Moved With Pity-Sunday Wisdom

We hear over and over in the gospel readings that Jesus was “moved with pity”.  Whenever I hear these words I am filled with hope because I know the Lord wants to heal me of my wounds and offer me whatever grace and mercy I need to live fully alive.

If you have ever suffered with physical pain from an injury or the effects of a long term disease as the leper in today’s gospel, you probably didn’t deny your need for healing.  But what if you are suffering from a mental illness, struggle with anxiety or harbor feelings of resentment and unforgiveness? Do you seek healing or deny your need for it?

We all have wounds.  No one can go through life without suffering, but remember Jesus is always “moved with pity” and wants to heal us.   The Lord is patiently waiting.  His love and mercy is available for everyone who seeks Him with a sincere heart. 

Don’t allow fear and shame to keep you locked up, be brave and reach out to God for His healing touch.  You may not be healed in the way you want or relieved of all your suffering, but God promises to always be with us even in the darkest of times.  

We don’t always understand why things happen the way they do, but if we allow ourselves to trust, we will be filled with the incredible peace of knowing that Jesus is walking with us and is always “moved with pity” for us. If there is an area in your life that needs healing, be brave and reach out for His outstretched hand, it’s waiting for you.  

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