The Beatitudes-Sunday Wisdom!

I love the Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount! It brings me peace because after all the beatitudes are really just declarations of God’s grace, and that brings me hope.  In reading today’s gospel I was struck by three beatitudes. Blessed are the meek, blessed are the merciful and blessed are the peacemakers. 

Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the land.
If someone referred to you as meek would you be offended or would you be encouraged?  This is a hard one because most of our world sees someone who is meek as weak, submissive or deficient in courage.  Jesus Himself was meek and humble of heart and I certainly do not consider Jesus to be a coward.  To be meek is to accept our strengths and weaknesses and use our gifts to serve others; to have a servant’s heart. Jesus was submissive, but not to others, only to the will of His Father.  Now that is a good role model.

Blessed are the merciful for they will be shown.
Mercy is simply treating people better than they deserve and offering forgiveness even if they don’t ask. Mercy is about offering love, not blame or judgment.  Jesus loves and forgives all of us, more than we deserve, that is mercy. When we put others first, especially those who rub us the wrong way, we are showing God’s mercy and the world, at least our world, becomes a happier more peaceful place.

Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called the children of God.
This beatitude is so closely related to showing mercy because peacemakers work to reduce conflicts, often by offering forgiveness and not blame. Our world is filled with division, division in our politics, our religions and in our own families.  In God’s kingdom, there is no conflict, only love and unity of heart reigns. Now that sounds peaceful. 

So today, seek the Lord’s will in your own life. Ask Him to guide you to use your gifts to build up the kingdom of heaven. And even if you don’t see His blessings right away, believe they are just around the bend and trust in Jesus’ promise to be with you always.

Thanks for stopping by!
Until next time, be blessed, Renae

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