What is the quality of your heart this week?
Today’s gospel can be challenging as it calls us to look at our own faults before judging others. In order to bear good fruit we must continually pay attention to what is in our heart. Do you see the good in others or do you look for what is wrong or imperfect? It is important to remember that recognizing good in others, acknowledging someone’s gift does not diminish the gifts we have been given. We are all needed to build up the Kingdom of God here on earth.
To grow in holiness, we need to look at how often we wound our Lord with unkind words, actions, and even judgment of others. The season of Lent is upon us. Now is the time to grown in understanding of our own failures, and to turn to God in humility, so we will be open to receive His Mercy.
Let us be a witness of compassion and surround ourselves with friends who speak words of love, encouragement and blessing instead of resentment, bitterness, and gossip. Remember, the quality of fruit we bear will be determined on how well we care for the quality of our heart.