He is Risen! Sunday Wisdom

He is Risen! Praise God! 
While Lent can be a long journey, it is always an amazing opportunity to take time to re-dedicate our lives to God and adjust our priorities and in doing so we prepare our hearts for Easter.

Today on Easter Sunday Jesus once again brings hope to us all through Mary Magdalene, the one He believed in, and the one He saved from sin and despair. Mary is the first to recognize the “ordinary gardener” as her Lord and Savior and the first to experience the Resurrection!

Imagine how her sadness was turned into JOY!  Jesus entrusts her with the mission to tell the others that He has Risen!  Today we too can share in her joy and can spread the good news of the gospel!  The joy of the Gospel is to experience the Love of God in Christ. So allow the Resurrection to remove all fear and anxiety from your life and to renew and strengthen your faith!

Lots of people begin January with a list of New Year’s resolutions, but what about an Easter Season “New Life Resolution”? It does not have to be a long list, just create a list of the top three things you would like to make a priority in your new life and strive to live them out daily.

This Easter Season, let us all open our hearts and allow the love of Christ to transform us. Happy Easter!

Thanks for stopping by!
Until next time, be blessed, Renae

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