Sacred Hope-Sunday Wisdom

The main characters in each of today’s readings, Isaiah, Paul and Peter, all have a sacred encounter with the Lord. Praise God there is something captivating by His holy presence. When we truly encounter our Lord, something miraculous happens, Jesus cuts straight to our heart and offers us all sacred hope.

In the midst of our everyday, ordinary lives, we are a mixture of good and bad. Sometimes our faith is fervent and pure, other times, not so much. And sometimes in the midst of God’s holiness, we can only focus on our unworthiness, but the good news is that God is not going anywhere. Of course God’s holiness should stop us in our tracks and fill us with awe, but it can also bring us hope.

The Lord is always walking with us. He is always in our boat, even when we turn away from him or try to run from his love. He is always willing to cut straight to our heart and remove any doubt and/or fear. The real question is how will we respond to His love and mercy.

Will we respond with love, mercy and thanksgiving, or will we reject His sacred grace? We are all unworthy, but the good news is that when we stand before the Lord empty and little, with open and humble hearts, he can fill us with the grace of His love, mercy and sacred hope.

So don’t let your feelings of unworthiness keep you from Jesus. Go to him, empty and little. I promise you he will fill you and bless you with more goodness than you could ever imagine.

Thanks for stopping by!
Until next time, be blessed, Renae

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