The Lord speaks to us all in so many different ways, including through Scripture readings. Today’s gospel is about spreading the Good News of Jesus and in doing so we plant seeds that only the Lord can harvest.
When the 72 were sent out to every town and place, they were given specific instructions on how to offer Christ’s love, peace and healing, but also warned that some may not be ready to hear what they have to say. It all comes down to discipleship and even today, we are all called to be part of this mission.
Every time you offer forgiveness to someone, you share Christ’s love and mercy and you dispel the darkness. Every time you reach out to someone in need, you show Christ’s compassion and generosity and you dispel the darkness. Every time you share the truth about God’s love you give hope and yes, you dispel the darkness.
Sharing the love truth about God’s love and mercy is what we are called to do and when we trust, the Lord will do the rest. Lord Jesus, empowered by your triumph over the cross, we praise you and share in your victory in silencing the “father of all lies.”