A Higher Calling-Sunday Wisdom

In today’s gospel Jesus teaches his disciples about the value of surrender and detachment.  The rich man has a sincere desire to follow Jesus and have eternal life. Jesus values this, understands him and then calls him to be more, give more and follow completely.

Wealth and material things are not bad, after all Jesus permits them, but then again when our attachment to possession gets in the way of living more like Jesus then there is a problem. After all Matthew the tax collector was very wealthy when Jesus called him to give up his job and follow.

Jesus wants us all to break free of whatever is holding us back from living as disciples of Christ.  He wants us to find freedom through detachment and surrender so we can truly focus on loving God and one another.

What is our Lord asking you to let go of today? What distracts you from that high calling of freely living as one of his disciples?

Lord help me to surrender whatever is distracting me from you.

Thanks for stopping by!
Until next time, be blessed, Renae

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