Sunday Wisdom: In the Present Moment!
The priest who married my husband and I became a very dear friend to us. Years ago he developed pancreatic cancer and while he was suffering taught us many valuable lessons about living in the present moment.
I remember asking him if he was anxious or worried about dying and he replied, “Not as long as I remain in the present moment.” He went on to explain that staying focused on the here and now brought him peace, but when he stepped outside the present moment he began to worry about the many friends and family members he would be leaving behind. Staying in the present moment and be ready for the Lord to move freely is something Fr. Ed lived out daily.
How is the Lord moving in your life? Are you opened to being blessed at any given moment? I know I often allow myself to be too busy and while many times I am busy doing good things, still I am distracted from the present moment and miss opportunities for grace to move freely in my life.
The past is the past and when we continue to look back, we are no longer able to move forward. However, be careful not to move too far forward. Living in the future only invites fear, worry and anxiety. We must try not to be obsessed with the things we cannot control. The future is not hear yet so why worry about something that may never happen. Right? Easier said that done!
Fears or worries about the future only causes undue stress and with all that is happening in our world, it is easy to give into fear. So let us seek to live in the present moment, where there is peace, and strive to remain open to the Grace and Mercy the Lord offers us all. Today, I am asking for the intercession of my dear friend Fr. Ed Schramm to bless all who read this message. Jesus I trust in you.
Have a blessed day,
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