Blessed Are Those Who Believe-Sunday Wisdom

Mary certainly was a women of great faith and trust. Elizabeth praises her because of her belief and her courage to live in truth. Did you notice how Mary responds? She passes along the praise and gives glory to God.

There is no false humility in Mary’s prayer. It is the true humility of knowing that all that is being accomplished in her is being accomplished by God. She not only accepts the greatness of her mission, but she accepts it fully, joyfully and without hesitation.

It is much like the line in today’s gospel, “The hungry he fills with good things while the rich are sent empty away.” We have come to understand that the hungry are those who are aware that they can do nothing by themselves and that everything is a gift from God. The rich would be those who think they have it all when in reality, they have nothing that lasts.

Let us choose then to put our trust in the Lord and to do His will l joyfully and fearlessly, giving all glory to the one who created us. I pray that you have a blessed week!

Thanks for stopping by!
Until next time, be blessed, Renae

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