Blessed Are You-Sunday Wisdom

Today’s gospel is familiar and yet at times uncomfortable. It calls us to seriously look at what is important in our lives.  The Beatitudes are often described as a guideline for Christian living. One thing I like to focus on when I hear this reading is how much God wants to bless us all. His Mercy is for everyone and he wants nothing more than for us to hear the truth, live the truth, and discover joy. Sometimes this might seem like an upside down gospel, right? Because really “Blessed are those who weep and mourn”? But, this message from Jesus is hopeful for all of us because the Kingdom of God is for the poor and the outcast. It is for the persecuted and the peacemaker. And thank God it is for sinners and the unwanted.  I am not sure about you, but at one time or another in my life I have fallen into one or more of these categories.  So let’s put a little more trust in Jesus today and open our eyes and ears to be more faithful.  Let’s stop looking for happiness in all the wrong places and invest in people. If we do, I am sure we will find the Kingdom of God here on earth and discover the true joy of being a Christian. Remember, the gospel also says, “Blessed are you, holy are you. Rejoice and be glad.”  

Thanks for stopping by!
Until next time, be blessed, Renae

2 thoughts on “Blessed Are You-Sunday Wisdom”

  1. karenhalterman5258

    I enjoyed your February 16 words of wisdom. I agree 100% as I, too, am a born-again believer in Christ. I am so thankful I grew up in a church that preaches Gid’s Word and was a strong believing in Jesus church. My Christian foundation is very important to me. Joy is my favorite word and I praise Him for giving me everlasting joy & peace!

    1. Amen Sister. Glad you are able to live out Joy in your life.
      Thanks for your kind words. It has been awhile since I posted a Sunday Wisdom. I guess God is calling me back.

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