Christ the King-Sunday Wisdom

Today we celebrate the feast of Christ the King.  Yes, Jesus is the King of my universe, how about yours? 

I find today’s gospel filled with hope. Why? Because I say Jesus is King of my universe, but my actions don’t always show it. Oh my desire to do good and be Christ to others is there, but in my human brokenness, I stumble, fall, and fail. 

Rejoice, because Jesus knows the human struggle and pain.  He affirmed that on the cross when He died for you and me.  He understands when we suffer and the good news is Jesus also promised He would never leave us. He never promised an easy life, but in the struggle, in the pain, we find him at our side, faithful and ready to shower us with His forgiveness and mercy!

So if you are struggling today, lay your burdens at the foot of the cross and allow the King of Glory to enter into your heart and heals all your wounds.

Thanks for stopping by!
Until next time, be blessed, Renae

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