Do Not Be Afraid! Sunday Wisdom

Happy Father’s Day! I am blessed that my Dad is still in my life and living about 25 minutes from me. The gospel for today is perfect for Father’s Day because who is better than our earthly Father and our heavenly Father at calming all our fears! It is both our earthly and heavenly Father who calms our anxieties.

Sometimes the storms of life can be overwhelming, but that is precisely when we need to trust in our Lord and Savior because He is always in the boat with us. He is always watching over us.

When we rely on our own strength or understanding to do things our way, we can only do so much. But Jesus’ power is limitless. Sure sometimes things don’t work out easily or ever, for what we consider to be the best, but that does not mean that Jesus has abandoned us. He always cares about us and is always in the boat with us, no matter how rough the storm.

Sometimes Jesus does calm the storms in our lives and other times He calms us, giving us the strength to bear our burdens and carry our crosses. When we trust and when we have faith, then we are filled with a calming peace, even in the toughest of times. Father in heaven, thank you for sending your Only Begotten Son to us.

Jesus I trust in you!

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