Do Whatever He Tells You-Sunday Wisdom

In today’s gospel Jesus performs his first miracle which begins His public ministry and in doing so he teaches us and his disciples a lesson in great love and also magnifies powerful love of Mary our Mother.

Mary in her great love and gentleness tells the servants, “Do whatever He tells you.”  Mary is concerned about the young couple and those at the wedding feast, not herself or her son.  She shows her great love and concern for the needs of this young couple, just as she does for all of our needs, big and small. Jesus’ great love and obedience for his mother led him into ministry.  This is why we can confidently call on our Mother Mary to intercede for us. To Jesus, through Mary!

Mary certainly gets the attention of the servants who have just filled six stone jars with water.  I wonder who all of their lives were changed that day? Did you know that the number six signifies imperfections?  Interesting how Jesus not only turns ordinary water into extraordinary wine and makes perfect those six stone jars.  He not only transforms the water, but he transforms the jars. They turn from an ordinary instrument of daily work into a spring of joy. 

Throughout marriage while sacrificing for one another our jars can become empty.  We could allow them to become as hard as stone or we can allow Jesus to enter our hearts in order to bring love and forgiveness to one another. This will transform our jars and we will be filled with joy.

Mary is gently whispering to you, “Do whatever He tells you, Do whatever He asks you.”  What is Jesus asking you to do?  Will you empty yourself for Jesus and allow Him to turn your water into wine? 

With the help of our Lord, ordinary tasks can become extraordinary. I pray that Jesus will fill you with His powerful love and mercy so that you can spread joy to those around you. Be blessed by friends!

Thanks for stopping by!
Until next time, be blessed, Renae

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