Happy Holy Week-Sunday Wisdom

My dear friends, as we begin Holy Week and prepare for Easter, we recall the Passion of our Lord and enter more deeply into the sufferings He took on to save and transform us all.  After all Lent is our own personal journey back to God and I pray yours has been fruitful.

This week as we turn our attention away from the busyness of our days, let us focus on the good God is already doing in our lives and remember that each time we pray we move one step closer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

The heart of Jesus’ message is always overflowing with love, compassion and forgiveness no matter how far we have strayed.  Our Heavenly Father is always waiting to eagerly embrace us and offer us peace.  Sometimes we just need to ask and then be still and allow God to speak to our hearts.  Remember, little is very often enough.

So as we contemplate Jesus’ unwavering, unilateral forgiveness from the cross, may we be filled with the hope of His Resurrection knowing that every little prayer and every sacrifice, no matter how small is an act of love and that is certainly treasure we will be able to take with us to Heaven.

Thanks for stopping by!
Until next time, be blessed, Renae

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