Prepare the Way! ~Sunday Wisdom

In today’s gospel John the Baptist prepares the way of the Lord, thus fulfilling Isaiah’s prophecy. Advent is a time of coming to Christ and it announces to us all that -We matter to God!  God will never abandon us.  God is constantly calling us back to him with hearts and hands and voices. We must trust that God’s words are true and let go of all our worries and concerns by continually seeking God’s will in our lives.

The Season of Advent offers us an opportunity to welcome the Holy Spirit and to open our hearts to a journey of love.
Advent is a faith journey into which we are all invited.  So we have to ask ourselves……..How strong is my faith?  What causes me to doubt? 

Advent takes us to an all new level, an attitude adjustment if you will.  And with this new adjustment comes a change of heart, one that believes and announces Christ’s forgiveness, allowing us all to live our life’s journey more open to God’s grace.

Thanks for stopping by!
Until next time, be blessed, Renae

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