Ice Cream Swirl Bundle-Make It Monday #156
As a kid living in Springfield, Illinois, I loved summers and my heart always skipped a beat whenever I heard the ice cream truck. Now Mom and Dad did not give us money every time, but when they did, it was such a treat. Now that the weather is getting warmer I thought if might be time for some ice cream.
Click here or the photo below to access Make It Monday #156 Ice Cream Swirl Bundle
Although the ice cream truck does not come around as often as it did when I was a kid, it does make an appearance in my neighborhood from time to time. I wonder if it still rolls around regularly in my old neighborhood in Illinois. It is hard to say because times are changing and kids just don’t go outside much any more.
A Closer Look

I hope my cards inspire you the have an ice cream treat today. Happy Stamping!
Thanks for stopping by!
Until next time, be blessed, Renae
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