Taken, Blessed, Broken and Given-Sunday Wisdom

Today we are reminded once again of the great gift Jesus has given us in the Eucharist. When Christians gather to receive the Eucharist, we see Christ in everyone and how we are who we are, but we also hope to be more. We want to prepare our hearts to receive Jesus so that we can become His hands and feet, His eyes and ears and yes, His Most Sacred Heart, so we can be Christ to others.

The Lord has given us all plenty of opportunities to re-unite our hearts and will with His.  We are all called to experience God’s overwhelming love and mercy. Through His grace we are redeemed, worthy and loved. 

Yes, we are broken, but as Henri Nouwen writes, ”the words ‘taken’, ‘blessed’, ‘broken’, and ‘given’ summarize our lives as Christians because we are all called to become bread for the world, bread that is taken, blessed, broken and given.”

May the Lord be with all of you this day and strengthen each of you, today and always.

Thanks for stopping by!
Until next time, be blessed, Renae

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