The Mercy of Our Lord is For All!

Today’s gospel is all about forgiveness and mercy. “Should you not have pity on your fellow servant, as I the Lord had pity on you?” (Matthew 18:33)
Our dear friend Peter started it all with a very simple question, Lord how many times must I forgive? Jesus then shared a parable and we hear of a King who was moved with compassion because one of his servants begged for more time to pay off his debt. The problem was the man who was forgiven refused to forgive and show mercy to his fellow man, which is exactly the kind of mercy our Lord calls us to. We are called to show mercy, compassion, forgiveness and gratitude.

If only the servant whose debt was forgiven had been grateful enough to practice the same kindness he would not have been handed over to be tortured and pay his debt in full. Unfortunately we can often be like this very servant, failing to be grateful for the mercy and compassion shown to us.

Today, let us imitate Jesus and not only forgive others when they hurt us but show them compassion in giving them a second chance. God forgives us again and again and He never holds our sins against us but instead wipes our soul clean. Let us ask our Heavenly Father to strengthen us in showing mercy towards others.

Thanks for stopping by!
Until next time, be blessed, Renae

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