You Are My Beloved Son-Sunday Wisdom

The Baptism of Jesus is a celebration of the Father’s love and the beginning of the Jesus’ public ministry. The Father is filled with joy with His Son’s obedience, humility and trust.  With this great love and joy the Father announces from heaven that he is pleased with his beloved Son. “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased” (Luke 3:22).

With so much that has happened in this world, the uncertainty and daily struggles often allow us to give in to fear and then doubt creeps in. I get it, but trust me it does not have to define you because your identity as part of God’s family can fill you with that unexpected joy of unconditional love.  God wants to continually fill you with the Holy Spirit so that you are strengthened and encouraged to fulfill the work God has planned for you.

The Holy Spirit is present at Jesus’ baptism just as the Spirit was present at your baptism. So go ahead, recommit your baptismal promise, ask for a renewed Spirit and then listen as God reminds you that you His beloved child and He will never abandon you.

Thanks for stopping by!
Until next time, be blessed, Renae

2 thoughts on “You Are My Beloved Son-Sunday Wisdom”

  1. I enjoy reading your Sunday posts. Do you get this from a certain source, like a devotional book? Thank you for sharing.

    1. Linda
      Thanks, no I just read the reading and reflect on them. I used to belong to a prayer group before COVID, not I just do the reading myself. I sometimes recall things from my pastor’s past homilies, which is super helpful.
      I do have a morning prayer book that I enjoy, “Good Morning Good God”. Thanks for sharing! So glad you enjoy them!

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