Black Friday-Favorite Things Friday or Not?
When my daughter was in late grade school and all through high school we loved the thrill of Black Friday. Each year we would travel to Bloomington/Normal IL to see my cousins for Thanksgiving and spend the night so we could hit the stores super early on Black Friday. One of our favorite things to do Thanksgiving evening in the hotel was to thumb through the many ads in the newspaper and plan or shopping spree. Well I am sad to say those days are over.
Not because we got tired of shopping on Black Friday, but because each year there were fewer flyers in the newspaper and one by one all the stores at Eastland Mall closed. Now Black Friday starts way before Thanksgiving and shopping online is just not as exciting.
So instead of shopping, we craft and today I am happy to share a card I created using the Decorated with Happiness Bundle and the Celebrate with Tags Bundle.

So whether you are shopping, crafting, decorating for Christmas or eating Thanksgiving leftovers, enjoy this time with family and have a blessed weekend!
Thanks for stopping by!
Until next time, be blessed, Renae






I love any card with holiday greenery. This one is lovely!
Thanks Sarah