Blessed Correction~Sunday Wisdom!
Today’s gospel teaches us the importance of lovingly correcting each other’s behavior. A healthy relationship always involves honestly. Wouldn’t you be grateful if someone helped you change a bad habit? I personally would want to know if I was hurting someone. And yet, being directly honest with one another can be challenging. But guess what folks, Jesus never promised us an easy life. Then again, how can we tell if someone is trying to help or just being a gossip?
Gossip can be defined as is a story about people that is designed to hurt, not rescue, and spread among people anonymously.
How can I recognize a gossiper from a compassionate person just trying to help?
Well, first ask yourself is what you are hearing designed to help or hurt?
Does there seem to be a sincere desire to for accurate truth about all involved?
Did the person talk directly to the all involved as Jesus told us to do in today’s gospel?
And finally, what if the stories you are hearing were about you?
Jesus asked His followers to judge based on what they saw and heard from their own eyes and ears, this alone can help us avoid gossiping. Jesus calls us to be compassionate and understanding. Even if we have to walk away from the situation we should do so with love and respect. After all remember how Jesus treated the Gentiles and the tax collectors? Shouldn’t we do the same?
Thanks for stopping by!
Until next time, be blessed, Renae
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