Those two magic words!
It doesn’t take much effort to thank someone and yet, that could very well be the best part of their day. Whenever we take the time to acknowledge the efforts of someone else, not only are their spirits lifted, but ours as well. My husband and I always tried to instill a sense of gratitude in our children, first to our Lord and Savior, but also to others for the gifts they often bring to the table. It is never too late to send a thank you and one can send a note of thanks for almost anything, including a valued friendship. So go ahead and copy this card and send a thank you to someone today.
The paper I used to create this card is from the Flowers for All Seasons Designer Series pack. There are 48 6×6 sheets and I love them all. The greeting is from Butterfly Gala. Shop Now! Hope you have a blessed day and enjoy creating to share with others.

Those two magic words! Read More »