Hey friends, do you love fun fold cards? If so, today you are in for a real treat because today’s fun fold arrow card packs a huge wow factor. It is not complicated, but it does need a few more measurements ands scoring that your typical easy fold. Even if you are not a huge fun fold fan, I encourage you to watch this video. With just a few pencil marks, scores, and folds, you will be able to create this card over and over again. I hope the video gives you plenty of direction on how to create this unique fold. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
Hey friends, I am back with part two of our three part series of how to cut and create 8 cards using just one piece of 12 x 12 patterned paper. This One Sheet Wonder, OWS for short, is great because you will use every inch of your designer series paper with absolutely no waste. Click here if you missed part one where I shared with you cards #1 and 2.
Today’s video include how to create cards #3, 4, and 5. I hope you enjoy this video and it inspires you to go through your stash of 12 x 12 designer series paper. Be sure to subscribe to myyou tube channelso you don’t miss any future videos.
Happy Stamping! Have fun switching up the designer series patterns to create cards for all occasions. Don’t forget to download the free project sheet with measurements and instructions.
Thanks for stopping by! Until next time, be blessed, Renae
Well, it has been a snowy January in St. Louis and even though parts of St. Louis got well over 12″ of snow, it is not as snowy as the Blizzard of 1978. I was not living here at the time and I have no idea who took this photo, but apparently school was cancelled for two weeks. That was well before E-Learning.
Now the photo below is of my backyard when we got snow a few weeks ago. This was from the morning, but it continued to snow all day. Lots of shoveling, but then again, lots of exercise. It has been pretty cold here but not as cold as the winter of 1884 when the all time low temperature in St. Louis was -22! Burr, now that is cold.
And now today’s card with a much warmer scenery!
I started with an 8-1/2 x 5-1/2 piece of Misty Moonlight cardstock that I folded in half to create my card. I then cut a 4 x 5-1/4 piece of the Thoughtful Journey Designer Series paper and attach to the card front. This paper is so soft and elegant. I then stamped my greeting from Kindest Expressions with Misty Moonlight ink. This was a super simple card, but it looks so comforting.
Happy Wednesday all. Today we are creating a Valentine’s Treat Box with several options for colors and styles. I am using a new bundle from the January 2025 mini catalog, Hugs for Love Bundle # 165783 $38.50. I hope this inspires you to create these fun boxes for Valentine’s Day.
Hey friends, I know it has been a minute since my last video. Thanks for your patience. Today, I am excited to share the first video in my three part series 12 x 12 One Sheet Wonder. You will learn how to create 8 fantastic cards. Join me next Monday for part 2. Be sure to download your free project sheet below for details on how to create today’s cards.
Happy Monday and Happy New Year. I hope you all had a relaxing holiday. I am slowly getting back into my craft room after my Dad’s passing and the holiday season. As you may already know our annual Sale-a-brations event begins tomorrow so I wanted to take a moment to remind you of the amazing products in our annual catalog (AC). I know sometimes the AC gets lost if the shuffle of the holidays, so today’s Make It Monday video is brought to you by Stampin’ Up! and features the unbounded Beauty Suite. Enjoy!
I hope to be back next week with my own Make it Monday tutorial and more crafting creations. Thanks for your patience! Happy Stamping!
Thanks for stopping by! Until next time, be blessed, Renae
Here is a cute stocking stuffer idea that I made for a craft fair in November. All you need is a few supplies including a bag of snack size Hershey chocolate bars. Click here or on the photo below if you are having trouble accessing the video.
Project Supplies
Balmy Blue Cardstock-5-1/4 x 4-1/4
Basic White Cardstock- 1-1/4 x 4, 3 x 3-1/2
Basic Black Cardstock- 1-1/4 x 1-1/4 , 1/4 x 1-1/2
Balmy Blue Ink
White Craft Ink
Stamping Sponge, dauber, or blending brush
Snowflake stamp
Merry Christmas stamp
4 x 6 sealable bag
Sharpie Markers: black, orange, and silver
Snack size Hershey Chocolate Bars
See video for instructions on how to create snowman wraps.
Thanks for stopping by! Until next time, be blessed, Renae
Happy Monday all. It is so hard to believe we are half way through December. I already had this Make It Monday video recorded before my dad passed away. I also had my Weekly Wednesday video recorded, so I am sharing those with you this week and then I will not be back until after the New Year. I do hope you all have a blessed Christmas and enjoy spending time with family!
Merry Christmas and may God Bless you all with health and happiness. Feel free to stop back on Wednesday for my last video of 2024. Until next year-Be Blessed!CLICK HERE or the image below if the video does not appear-still haven’t figured out that one.
Thank you all for your prayers and support. Losing my mom two years ago was very difficult, but somehow we managed to united our suffering with my Dad has he mourned the lost of his beloved wife of 68 years. And now, how does one say that last final good-bye.
I hope to be back with my Make it Monday and Weekly Wednesday videos later this month because my Dad loved my card creations and always asked about my card classes. Although he was not a techy guy, he did manage to watch a few of my videos (mostly when I pulled them up for him-hahaha), but whether or not he saw my post for the day, he thought I was creative and was always supportive of my dream to be a professional card maker. LOL
Click hereor the photo below for an online obituary.
Chet E. Rupp Jr. 1938-2024
What will I miss about my Dad? The simple answer, everything!!! The hole in my heart is deep and wide.
Growing up, I remember playing touch football on the cobble streets of Springfield, Illinois as he whispered the next play while drawing it on his hand. I also remember beating some of the college guys who lived on our street! I was only in second grade, but my dad thought that was great. Maybe he should have been a football coach. Sorry Bears, too late!
I remember living on Lake Camelot and the excitement of getting up before dawn to go fishing. He didn’t talk much back then so we caught a lot of fish. LOL
I remember getting in trouble when I was in first grade for playing in the mud, but honestly some mistakes are just worth it.
I remember the excitement and love on his face when both of my children were born.
I will miss our talks about family history and things of days gone by.
I will miss being together and yet saying nothing.
I will miss your advice from painting, to replanting trees, to trapping groundhogs.
I will miss our talks about mom, the faith, and what heaven is like.
I will miss your quiet smile, long sighs, and your gentle laugh.
I will miss our morning Masses, coffee time, and holding your hand during the “Our Father”.
Dad, I will never forget the pain and sorrow that filled your heart when mom left you to be with Jesus and now my heart feels that same pain, maybe even more now. While my faith will see me through and His grace will always be sufficient, I will never forget you or your love.
It is now time to navigate a new normal, but I know my life will never be the same. Thank you for loving me and for helping me grow. Until we met again, I love you Dad!
Hello my stamping friends. I hope you all had a blessed Thanksgiving. There will not be a Make it Monday or a Weekly Wednesday video for the next few weeks. I am sad to say I lost my Dad suddenly on Tuesday, November 26th, so I will be taking some time to grieve with my family. There is so much more to do now than when my Mom passed two years ago.
I hope to be back in the swing of posting again, hopefully on the 16th! Thank you for your understanding. Until then, be blessed!
Thanks for stopping by! Until next time, be blessed, Renae